Category: News

MAY CEED Dinner – Asian and Pacific Islander Month

This month, the first 50 Vista Academy families to sign up for the CEED dinner will receive a meal that celebrates  Asian and Pacific Islanders month- which consists of Chicken sandwiches with pineapple and Hawaiian Slaw-  that will serve 4-5Continue Reading


This month, the first 50 Vista Academy families to sign up for the CEED dinner will receive a meal that represents a middle school favorite – Chicken and Veggies 1 Skillet Wonder –  to make that will serve 4-5 people.Continue Reading

CEED Dinner for Black History Month!!!

This month, the first 50 Vista Academy families to sign up for the CEED dinner will receive a meal that celebrates Black History Month.  This meal will  serve 4-5 people.  This months menu is chicken and sausage Jamalaya, Greens, andContinue Reading

February Town Hall Meeting

February Town Hall Meeting is at 5 pm on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. Please join us for important updates for Vista Academy last half of the year. The google meets link is: Vista Town Hall Meeting Wednesday, February 15 ·Continue Reading

Black History Month CEED Meal Sign UP

We had a great January Community Equity Educational Dinner! We were able to feed 60 families. For February, our CEED meal celebrates Black History Month with a meal to honor the culture. Students have selected Chicken and sausage Jambalaya, greens,Continue Reading

Community Equity Educational Dinners Are Back!! (CEED Dinners)

Community Equity Educational Dinners are back!!!! Click the link and sign up for fresh food so the families can cook a healthful meal together. This month celebrates French people who came to the United States and shared their homestyle cookingContinue Reading

Fall Break

Reminder that students have Fall Break from November 19th through November 28th. We will see you back here on November 29th, 2022 for the start of Trimester 2.

Trimester 1 Finals

Trimester 1 Finals are next week November 16th and 17th (Wednesday and Thursday), and both days are half days from 8:30-11:34am. Friday November 18th is a make-up day from 8:30-11:34 for only students who missed a final. November 18th isContinue Reading

NO School on September 30, 2022

No school on Friday, September 30, 2022 for a teacher comp day. Enjoy your weekend!!

Vista Academy Receives Healthy Food for Denver Kids Grant!!!

Vista Academy received a grant from the city to fund four major programs in the school. The monies will be used for a healthy snacks program for all students, monthly Community Equity Educational Dinners (CEED) for 40 families, a largeContinue Reading

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