Category: News

Applications for 2024-2025 are open /Las solicitudes para 2024-2025 están abiertas

If you or another student, grades 6-12, are looking for a supportive school environment, please apply. All information can be found on the online application. Please contact 720-423-7650 for assistance. (Si usted u otro estudiante, de grados 6 a 12,Continue Reading

April Community Equity Educational Dinner (CEED dinner) / Cena educativa sobre equidad comunitaria de abril

This month, the first 60 Vista Academy families to sign up for the CEED dinner will receive a meal that celebrates the  Mediterranean and South American cuisine with a delicious pan fried chicken with lemons and tomatoes with a side of delicious quinoa.  YouContinue Reading

SAT/PSAT Testing Wednesday, April 17, 2024

All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students are required to take the SAT/PSAT test on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 8:30am. Seniors must contact Dr. Anderson to make sure they have completed competencies and portfolios. Middle school students, no schoolContinue Reading

DPS Climate Summit

Please register for this awesome opportunity!!

Information for FNE Warriors Athletics / Información para FNE Warriors Atletismo

2024 FNE Region Spring Sports Information Student-athletes and families of Northeast Early College, Montbello HS, Robert F. Smith STEAM Academy, Vista Academy, Dr. Martin Luther King HS (DMLK), Legacy Options, Montbello Career Tech (or any student without an athletics program):Continue Reading

No School Friday February 16th for Students

Students, there is no school on February 16th due to district professional development.

February Community Equity Education Dinner (CEED Meals)

This month, the first 60 Vista Academy families to sign up for the CEED dinner will receive a meal that celebrates the southern cuisine with a delicious Chicken and Dumplings.  You will need to pick up your meal before 6:15 pmContinue Reading

Stress Less Opportunities available.

Check out resources if you are feeling stressed. See Ms. Joseph!

Access the new parent portal / Acceda al nuevo portal para padres

One pagers for other languages than English are located here: One Pager- English + 10 Consent Decree Languages Please check out the new parent portal. Access the Video below:

Cómo iniciar sesión en el Portal para padres / How to log on to Parent Portal

Consulte estos videos para configurar el Portal para padres en DPS / Please reference these videos to set up Parent Portal in DPS.

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